“2020 Transformational Training” Course

Overcome the Challenges Trainers & Educators Face Addressing Sexual Violence & Consent.

Get precise How-To skills and strategies for further strengthening your ability to positively impact those you teach and conduct trainings for by learning first-hand with Mike Domitrz.

Plus, earn 2 C.E.U.s for each module you complete.

N.O.V.A. has evaluated and approved this course for up to 24 C.E.U.s (NACP & D-SAACP).

12 Live & Online Learning Modules Launched over 17 Weeks.


  • Motivation: the Why & How. Yours and Theirs.
  • Story – Yours, Theirs, and How It All Impacts.
  • Creating Discussion vs Lecture: the Power of a Question.
  • Humor: Why it’s Essential and How To Integrate.
  • Self-Care. The Simple Steps that Can Have Profound Impact.
  • Fears, Hecklers, Overcoming Challenges.
  • Technology & How to Integrate.
  • Being Inclusive & Owning Privilege.
  • Creating a Supportive & Safer Space.
  • Addressing Victim Blaming.
  • Teaching Bystander Intervention.
  • The Keys to Consent Education. 

Included with each module:

1-Hour Live Virtual Training

Attend each live session online lead by Mike Domitrz or watch the recording after to gain access to the main lesson of each module. 

Live 30-Minute “Best Practices” or “Hot Seat” Session

Each learning module includes either a 30-minute “Best Practices” session or a “Hot Seat” Event where a few students get to test run the skills they’ve learned.

Live 30-Minute Q&A

With each module, you will be able to submit questions for Mike to answer in a LIVE virtual 30-minute discussion later that same week.

PLUS, you’ll have an Online Community to share with.

Included in “2020 Transformational Learning” Course is an online community space we’ve created for you and your fellow classmates to share with each other and encourage each other.along the way.

Can't make the live virtual sessions?

No Worries. Watch the Recording in the Online Learning Center.

You get 24/7 access to the video recordings of every session Mike Domitrz leads – including the live 1-hour lessons, the Q&As, the Best Practices, and the “Hot Seat” sessions inside the Online Learning Center.

Plus, the live learning sessions are being scheduled at a time professionals in the USA and professionals in Europe have the best chance of attending together.

Your instructor & trainer:

With Mike Domitrz, you get one of the most sought after authors, speakers, and subject matter experts for building a culture of respect by making mutually amazing relationships in work and life the norm. With Mike Domitrz, you get:
  1. An expert, author and speaker who has been presenting an average of over 150 trainings a year around the world for the last 2 decades for educational institutions, the US Military, business of all sizes, and nonprofits.
  2. The first to coin the phrase and develop the model for “Mutually Amazing Relationships.
  3. The architect of the “Slope of Workplace Interactions” Model.
  4. The first to reveal the “9 Daily Displays of Disrespect” and then create the “9 Daily Choices for Respect” in the workplace.
  5. Author of “Can I Kiss You? A thought-provoking look at relationships, intimacy, and sexual assault.”
  6. Author of “Voices of Courage.”
You may have seen Mike as a featured guest expert on Dateline NBC or being quoted in Forbes or in The Wall Street Journal.

2020 Transformational Training” Course Begins June 23rd.



Individual Registration = $297

Reserve your seat today by clicking the below button.

Group Registration = $997 for up to 5 Seats.

Reserve 5 or more seats and get a 32% DISCOUNT!

2020 may be the only year Mike hosts this course via Live Virtual Sessions. Get Your Seat Today!

Is this course for me?

Mike Domitrz has designed this course specifically for professionals dedicated to reducing sexual violence and/or teaching healthy relationships. Every lesson has been structured to teach an essential skill set for making a greater impact with others. Many students in this course will be professionals from crisis centers, educational institutions, the US Military, government organizations, and nonprofits.

Get ready for transformational learning and exploration. You will get exclusive content, education, skill sets, and resources for engaging others in some of the most difficult of conversations. Plus, you will be learning from one of the most experienced, sought-after speakers, and subject matter experts, Mike Domitrz.


The best trainers and educators understand the importance of constantly building and refining their skills. By the end of the “2020 Transformational Training” Course, you will have a greater understanding of what is needed to create positive behavioral transformation for reducing sexual violence with every group you work with.

Individual Registration = $297

Reserve your seat today by clicking the below button.

Group Registration = $997 for up to 5 Seats.

Reserve 5 or more seats and get a 32% DISCOUNT!

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