Martin Luther King Jr. and Haiti

Yesterday was our country’s day to honor Martin Luther King Jr. and his efforts to create change.  The power of honoring Martin Luther King Jr. as we see the destruction in Haiti is important.  In King’s spirit, do we care enough for others to speak out and create long-lasting change (in addition to the money we donate)?  What have you learned about Haiti in the past week?  How did more of us not know about their struggles previously or were we simply not listening?  In honoring Martin Luther King Jr, what MORE have you learned about him this week?  How are you taking the example of Martin Luther King Jr and applying your new understandings to help those in Haiti?

Educators (includes teachers, professors, PARENTS, mentors, etc…), what are you doing to TEACH your children about Haiti and our ability to help create positive change?  Have you told them the story of Sunjay Gupta, a medical Dr. who is a reporter for CNN, taking over a make-shift hospital after all the Drs and nurses abandoned it due to fear of safety?  Each day, have you shared one example of a survivor in Haiti who kept BELIEVING while stuck under rubble for days?

For the rest of this week, I commit to sharing with my children one powerful example of individuals in Haiti believing in others and one’s self.  Lets not have pity for what they are going through.  Instead, let us admire the strength, human compassion, and devotion to helping others!  Will you join me in this pledge to share each day at least one example with your family and friends?  Start by sharing your comments here by “Leaving a Comment.


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